Archive for November 2012
This is Deathcore
Sekali lagi kita mau posting selain PC. Ini tentang aliran musik kesukaan saya, Yaitu Deathcore..
Deathcore adalah merupakan turunan dari genre metalcore yang terinfluence oleh genre death metal.
Walaupun menjadi sub-genre Metalcore, deathcore sangat dipengaruhi oleh aliran death metal modern dalam hal kecepatan, teknik vokal, blasting drum dan riff-riff gitar yang berat (disonansi). Geraman dan teriakan sudah menjadi tradisi yang lazim. Deathcore banyak memiliki waktu jeda dan riff-riff merdu yang biasa ada di aliran Metalcore. Deathcore memiliki perbedaan karakteristik dengan Death metal diantaranya Penurunan atau penaikan tempo ketukan, Breakdown dan lain sebagainya yang merupakan ciri khas musik Metalik Hardcore / Metalcore.
Deathcore™ merupakan penggabungan dua genre musik: metalcore dan death metal, maksudnya gabungan disini, mereka memfusionkan antara ketukan drum metalcore dan deathmetal, vokal growl ala death metal dan scream ala metalcore. ciri ciri band deathcore yaitu lebih mengedepankan breakdown. teknik vokal dan growl scream bersamaan. Deathcore berkembang sebagai turunan dari Death Metal dengan ciri khas lirik yaitu tentang kematian, neraka, setan, dan nuansa-nuansa mistik dan ada juga yang bersifat agnostik seperti hardcore.
Deathcore terkadang meng-stem gitarnya dari drop C sampai A (tergantung apresiasi musik itu sendiri). Biasanya tipe ritmik chord-chord pentatonik. Melodinya pun berkarakter, dari yang kromatik biasa sampai arpeggios. Dan memakai scale seperti Mohammedan, Arabian, Minor, Blues dan tergantung apresiasi musik itu sendiri .
Hampir semua metal, drumnya selalu memakai double bass. Namun, Deathcore memiliki ciri khas tersendiri dalam teknik drum yang sering disebut blasting. Blasting adalah teknik menghentak snare lebih banyak ketimbang cymbal. Teknik Blasting itu sendiri sering muncul dalam musik-musik jazz dan Brutal Death Metal.
Lihat pula
- ^ Alex Henderson: "What is deathcore?'s essentially metalcore... Drawing on both death metal and hardcore..."
- ^ Cosmo Lee: "...All Shall Perish...Alienacja (Poland), Despised Icon (Montreal), and Whitechapel (Knoxville, TN)... They’re all textbook “deathcore,” fusing death metal and hardcore punk.
- ^ "This is deathcore. This is what happens when death metal and hardcore, along with healthy doses of other heavy music styles, are so smoothly blended..."
- ^ Ciaran Meeks: "'Deathcore' is apparently a mixture of Death Metal, Hardcore, and Grind, all mixed 'n mashed together to create a brutal and extreme 'new' hybrid"
- ^ Shane Mehling: "“Deathcore” is the subset of metalcore kids playing death metal. ...sounds pretty much like any late ’90s death. ... But what makes this more of a metalcore record is that, unlike most death metal, the songs seem spliced together."
Di atas dapet dari wikipedia hehehe. saya repost aja :D
Mari Kita Peduli Keamanan Komputer
Perkembangan komputer sudah sedemikian pesatnya dan sudah banyak dari kita semua
yang mulai ketergantungan dengan komputer, selain itu dari sisi perkembangan aplikasi,
para developer terlihat banyak yang terus berkompetisi membuat produk yang mudah
digunakan dengan fitur yang semakin kompleks. Atas nama waktu dan target maka uji
coba program terlihat banyak yang hanya di tes pada fungsinya, keamanan sering
menjadi anak tiri.
Bukan hal yang baru melihat banyaknya web yang di hack, aplikasi yang di temukan
celahnya dan sebagainya, seharusnya dalam mengembangkan suatu aplikasi kita perlu
melakukan proses test termasuk dari sisi keamanan dan itu perlu berjalan dengan baik,
jika tidak maka ancaman terhadap keamanan komputer akan semakin besar seiring
semakin kompleksnya pada program.
Saat ini tutorial hacking begitu mudah diperoleh, baik disitus-situs hacker, juga di
berbagai buku hacking. Ditambah software untuk alat hacking semakin mudah
digunakan, contohnya menggunakan Fast-Track (Automated Penetration Testing), secara
umum ini mengakibatkan individu-individu yang dikenal sebagai hacker menjadi
menurun, tapi justru ancaman semakin naik karena orang dapat mudah menjadi
penyerang dan hal ini merupakan ancaman bagi kepentingan umum apalagi ditambah
makin banyaknya orang awam yang mulai mengenal komputer tanpa mengetahui
bagaimana cara mengamankan komputernya sehingga korban dapat semakin banyak.
Menjadikan Hacking sebagai objek pemikiran maka penulis lebih melihat pada
melakukan hacking dengan beretika dan tidak beretika. Untuk yang tidak beretika
pengalaman penulis dari jaman dulu sampai saat ini adalah yang paling banyak dilakukan
oleh orang ditambah dengan banyak orang yang tidak tahu hingga tidak peduli dengan
keamanan komputernya, sehingga sudah bisa ditebak yaitu mereka menjadi target empuk
bagi para orang iseng atau orang yang memiliki tujuan khusus.
Di artikel ini penulis mengajak para pengembang untuk lebih memperhatikan sisi
keamanan aplikasi yang dibuatnya yang dimana tindakan test tidak hanya pada fungsi
saja tapi juga pada sisi keamanan, juga terhadap pengguna aplikasi yang juga perlu lebih
memperhatikan sisi keamanan dalam menggunakan aplikasi, jika misalnya ingin
menggunakan CMS dengan component tertentu maka paling tidak aplikasi yang akan
digunakan diperiksa keamanannya paling tidak secara umum.
Hewan Unik :D
Ini cuma refreshing kita ngga main di software or hardware mullu kok :D
Mungkin anda akn terheran-heran melihat hewan-hewan yang saya tampilkan kali ini. Ya hewan ini tergolong aneh, terutama bentuknya. Yuk kita lihat hewan-hewan aneh apa aja itu.
Salamander terbesar di dunia, ditemukan di Cina
King of Herrings
Isopoda Raksasa
Babi Laut
Kepiting Yeti
Mungkin anda akn terheran-heran melihat hewan-hewan yang saya tampilkan kali ini. Ya hewan ini tergolong aneh, terutama bentuknya. Yuk kita lihat hewan-hewan aneh apa aja itu.
Salamander terbesar di dunia, ditemukan di Cina
King of Herrings
Isopoda Raksasa
Babi Laut
Kepiting Yeti
Emulator PS3
* DVD ROOM yang bisa membaca DVD DUAL layer atau DVD ROOM Blue-ray
* PROCESSOR minimum yaitu CORE 2 DUO 3.0 GHZ
* VGA yang HD (HIGH DEFINITION) dengan kualitas gambar yang jernih
Contoh : NVIDIA GEFORCE 9800 GT atau ATI RADEON 5870 HD SERIES, dan Lain-Lain
* HARDDISK DRIVE minimum 20 GB
* PROCESSOR minimum yaitu CORE 2 DUO 3.0 GHZ
* VGA yang HD (HIGH DEFINITION) dengan kualitas gambar yang jernih
Contoh : NVIDIA GEFORCE 9800 GT atau ATI RADEON 5870 HD SERIES, dan Lain-Lain
* HARDDISK DRIVE minimum 20 GB
Semoga bermanfaat :D
Situs Cara Mengamankan Komputer :D
Maaf ya posting ini repost dari Binus Hacker saya edit sedikit hehe :D
Malicious Software Removal:
- Security Guides/Handbooks/Tutorials | - Firewalls |
- General Security Tips and Advice | - Wireless Security |
- Best Security Software | - Website/Application Security |
- Identity Theft/Fraud | - Network Security |
- Anti-phishing | - Data Backup |
- Anti-spam | - Publications |
- Malicious Software Information | - Miscellaneous |
- Latest Security News | - Friends of Select Real Security |
- Social Networking Security | - Revision History |
- Password Security |
Security Guides/Handbooks/Tutorials
Malicious Software Prevention:
- Gizmo’s Guide to Securing Your PC by Gizmo Richards
- How to Stay Safe While Online
- How-to Security Booklet by Security In a Box
- Malware Prevention – Preventing Re-infection by Russ Stamm
- How Malware Spreads – How Did I Get Infected by Russ Stamm
- Hardening Windows Security
- How (and why) to secure your Windows PC
- Malware Incident Prevention and Handling [PDF]
- CKnow Computer Virus Tutorial
- Securing Windows XP by Eric Vaughan and Allen Weil
- Securing Your Home Computer
- Protect Your Computer by Oregon State University
- The 20 Minute Guide to PC Security
- Computer Virus Primer for Network Administrators by Bernie Klinder
- Keeping Your Kids Internet Safe and Smart [PDF]
- Browser Security Handbook by Michal Zalewski
- IT Security Cookbook by Sean Boran
- Cyber-Safety for Everyone: from Kids to Elders by M. E. Kabay [PDF]
- Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online by Linda McCarthy
- How to Secure Windows and Your Privacy by Howard Fosdick [PDF]
- Silver Surfers’ Online Safety Guide [PDF]
- HackerProof: Your Guide To PC Security by Matt Smith
- Microsoft Security Update Guide
- Best Practices for Keeping Your Home Network Secure by NSA [PDF]
- Security Concepts: an online book about computer, hardware, and cryptographic security.
- The Rough Guide to Online Safety by
- Computer and Data Security Guide for Windows
Malicious Software Removal:
- Malware Removal Guide for Windows
- How to Clean An Infected Computer
- How to clean up your site from a malware infection
General Security Tips and Advice
- Cyber Security Tips: tips and advice on common security issues for non-technical computer users.
- Security Awareness Tip of The Day: has a huge collection of simple and useful tips and provides a new tip every day.
- Home Computer Security Checklist: a list of computer security tips with comprehensive details about each tip.
- Security 101: a large collection of tips, how-to’s and other advice on computer and network security.
- CyberCoyote: has excellent information and advice that covers a variety of security topics.
- The Top Ten Most Dangerous Things You Can Do Online
- Stopping Malware on its Tracks: lists ways you can prevent and detect infections (by Lenny Zeltser).
- Securing Microsoft Windows by David A. Wheeler
- How to Stay Secure Online by Adam Dachis
- How to protect yourself from malware
- 32 Ways to Secure Your Digital Life
- Safe Internet Surfing by Robert P. Lipschutz and John Clyman
- Malware Prevention and Avoidance
- 9 Easy Ways To Never Get A Virus by James Bruce
- Ten Immutable Laws Of Security: Microsoft’s ten facts of life regarding computer security.
- 6 Rules of Thumb to Help Protect Your Information and Privacy Online by Tracy Hulver
- Protecting a Laptop from Simple and Sophisticated Attacks by Mike Cardwell
Best Security Software
- Best Free Security Software for Windows: tells you the latest and best free security software that you could be using.
- Best Antivirus Comparison: compare antivirus reviews and ratings.
Identity Theft/Fraud
- About Identity Theft – Deter. Detect. Defend
- Identity Theft: What to Do if It Happens to You: provides instructions how to reclaim your financial health and who to contact for more help.
- Identity Theft FAQ: answers to frequently asked questions about identity theft.
- Reducing the Risk of Fraud: lists steps you can take to reduce your risk of fraud.
- Limiting Identity Theft Damage
- Identity Theft Prevention Handbook by Todd M Feinman
- Email and web scams: How to help protect yourself: learn how to avoid online scams that may come your way.
- How To Prevent Identity Theft – 11 Easy Ways
- 9 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft From Your Online Activities
- Preventing and Responding to Identity Theft
- 25 Ways to Avoid Auction Fraud From a Seller’s Perspective
- How to Protect Yourself from Online Fraud and Identity Theft by Alan Henry
Anti Phishing
- PhishTank: submit, verify, track, and share phishing data.
- Google Safe Browsing: report phishing pages.
- How to Avoid Phishing Scams: lists helpful advice you can use to avoid becoming a victim of phishing scams.
- The Phishing Guide: covers the technologies and security flaws Phishers exploit to conduct their attacks, and provides detailed advice on what organizations can do to prevent future attacks (by Gunter Ollmann).
- How to recognize phishing e-mails or links
Anti Spam
- How to reduce the quantity of spam
- How to Avoid Getting Spammed
- How to Report Spam
- Twitter Account Validator: quickly check if a twitter username is a spammer or a bot.
- Free Anti-Spam Tools and Services
- Email Harvesting Techniques FAQ: lists and describes the many ways spammers get email addresses.
Malicious Software Information
- The Evolution of Malicious Agents by Lenny Zeltser
- Strategies of Computer Worms: describes the nature and evolution of the computer worm (by Peter Szor).
- Most Damaging Malware: provides an overview of the most damaging types of malware (by Mary Landesman).
- Rootkit Analysis: What is a Rootkit by Matthew Vea
- A quick and dirty guide to malware: a three-part series covering viruses, trojans, and worms.
- Malware Characteristics
- How to Identify Malware Behavior by Mark Morgan
- The Truth about Trojan Horses on the Internet by Sarah Gordon and David M. Chess
- Inside the Business of Malware (Infographic): shows the way that attackers compromise their victims’ computers, sell malware and then launder the proceeds.
- Malware Infection Vectors: Past, Present, and Future by Paul Schmehl
- Who creates malware and why?
Latest Security News
Social Networking Security
- Staying Safe on Social Network Sites
- How to protect your Facebook account from hackers, spammers and clowns
- 6 Tips for Safer Facebooking
- How to Tweet Safely: A Quick Guide to Twitter Security
- 11 Security Tips for Online Social Networking by Lenny Zeltser
- How to Avoid Malware on Facebook and Twitter by Sarah Perez
- The 8 Most Important Ways to Protect Your Identity and Privacy on Facebook
- A Guide to Facebook Security by Facebook
Password Security
- Password Strength Checker: online tool that tests the strength of your passwords as you type them.
- How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords: John Pozadzides provides an excellent read about password security.
- A Guide To Better Password Practices by Sarah Granger
- Creating Secure Passwords: tips for creating strong passwords you can remember (by Tony Bradley).
- Passwords: Make them Effective
- The Usability of Passwords: an excellent article on “how to make usable and secure passwords” (by Thomas Baekdal).
Secure Web Browsing
- Best Free Browser Protection Utility
- Securing Your Web Browser: provides instructions on how to configure your web browser for safer internet surfing.
- URLVoid: quickly check if a website is safe to browse.
- vURL Online: quickly and safely analyze malicious or suspected websites.
- Firewalls by Tony Northrup: covers the design, deployment, and use of both network and host-based firewalls.
- How to Select a Network Firewall by Brian Monkman
- Interhack’s Internet Firewall FAQ: answers to frequently asked questions about Internet firewalls.
- Firewall FAQ by Microsoft
Email Security
- Mail Security – Keep Your Inbox Safe: comprehensive tutorial with tips and tricks for email security.
- The 25 Most Common Mistakes in Email Security
- Best Free Email Client
- Five Free Temporary Email Services To Avoid Spam
Wireless Security (Wi-Fi)
- How to Secure Your Wireless Network by Becky Waring
- 10 Tips for Wireless Home Network Security
- Keep Your Windows Computer Secure on Public Wireless Hotspots
- 8 tips for working securely from wireless hot spots
- 5 ways to protect your Wi-Fi network from hackers by Phil Hornshaw
- How to Lock Down Your Wireless Network by Alex Wawro
Website and Application Security
- SQL Injection Attack and Defense by Sagar Joshi
- SQL Injection Attacks and Some Tips on How to Prevent Them by Colin Mackay
- How to prevent your site from getting hacked / How to repair a damaged site by Steven Whitney.
- Web Application Penetration Testing: information for penetration testers.
- 10 Ways To Beef Up Your Website’s Security
- Basic Website Security Checklist by Chad Perrin
- Common Security Mistakes in Web Applications by Philip Tellis
- Unmask Parasites: free online tool that scans your website for malware.
- CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors: a list of the most widespread and critical programming errors.
- WordPress Security 101: Securing Your Site by Willie Jackson
- Securing Your WordPress Website by Daniel Pataki
- SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet
Network Security
- Introduction to Network Security by Matt Curtin
- Home Network Security: an overview of the security risks and countermeasures associated with Internet connectivity.
- Top 125 Network Security Tools: listing of the top 125 network security tools.
- Network Security in the Age of *Any* Computing by Mike Rothman
Data Backup
- How to back up files and recover data
- Best Free Backup Program
- Best Free Online Backup Sites
- The Backup and Restore Guide by Tina Sieber
- How To Backup Operating Systems: a step-by-step guide for backing up and restoring the operating system installed on your PC.
Security Publications
- SANS Information Security Reading Room: has over 1,900 original computer security white papers in 77 different categories.
- Network Security Library: site with hundreds of network security related articles, books, FAQs, and white papers.
- Security Papers and Articles: vulnerability analysis papers, tutorials and articles from the Exploit Database.
- The Infosec Writers Text Library
- White Papers and Articles – Trend Micro
- Honeynet Project – Know Your Enemy Papers
- Information Security Research Library: white papers, case studies and product information on the latest security solutions and technologies.
- Technical Info – Gunter Ollmann: has some excellent white papers and articles on various security topics.
- PacketSource: directory of information security articles, white papers, and documents.
- US-CERT – Security Publications
- RootSecure – PDF Documents: notable papers and articles from the past few years on security and other related topics.
- Symantec Security Response: offers white papers on a range of issues relating to Internet security.
- Entrust White Papers on Internet Security and Encryption
- SecDocs: provides papers, slides, and videos on IT security and hacking.
- ICSA Labs White Papers
- ESET White Papers
- Infosec White Papers
- Modern Computer Attack and Defense Techniques by Lenny Zeltser
- Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? by Christian Heilmann
- Security Risks of Near Field Communication: looks at the risks associated with NFC and tells you how to avoid them.
- Firewall Guide: information and reviews on security, personal firewall software and hardware, and more.
- a directory of security resources.
- Complete Computer Security Information – David Woodsmall: a multitude of links to articles and websites about protecting your computer and data (frequently updated).
- GCK’s Information Security URLs: provides links to security related sites.
- IT Security Overview and Web Resources
- The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security: a very interesting read (by Marcus J. Ranum).
- Plug and Prey: Malicious USB Devices: an overview of malicious USB devices (by Adrian Crenshaw).
- How To Completely and Securely Erase Your Hard Drive
- SANS Intrusion Detection FAQ
- Antiviral Software Evaluation FAQ: how to review, evaluate, and decide which antivirus packages to buy (by Robert Slade).
- The WWW Security FAQ by Lincoln D. Stein & John N. Stewart
Friends of Select
- Bill Mullins Weblog
- Protect your Profile and Internet Status: a blog that shows you simple ways to protect your online and offline identity.
- Bookmarks4Techs: features over 500 links to useful tech sites (frequently updated).
- What’s On My PC: a blog about computers, software, gadgets, and information technology.
- Experts Galaxy: all about computer and digital security.
- Security [CENTRAL] Forum
- Raj Chandel’s Blog